23 rue de la Paix
75002 Paris – France

Share capital: €5.660.000
RCS:  RCS PARIS 904 479 649
SIRET: 904 479 649 00025
APE Code : 70.10Z
Tel: +33 1 43 16 63 00
Fax: +33 1 43 16 63 89

PAI SAS is a fund management company approved and regulated by the AMF in France. PAI SAS was approved as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager on January 2, 2024 under the number GP-2024000.


Complaints Handling Procedure

PAI SAS has established and maintains an effective procedure for the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints.

Should you have any issue with our services please do not hesitate to contact our Complaints Handling Officer, in English or French, through the addresses below at your convenience, with the reference “Complaint”:

Mail at:
Att. Complaints Handling Officer
232 rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Email at:

Please make sure that the following information are provided to ensure a prompt handling of your complaint:
– Your identity and contact details;
– Reason(s) of the complaint;
– Where relevant, copies of any documentation supporting your complaint.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in writing within (10) ten business days, unless the answer itself is provided to you within this period.

Should your complaint request further investigation, a response will be sent to you within (2) two months of the receipt. In case we would not be in capacity to answer you within this delay we will provide you details with regards to when the response will be provided.

Finally, should the answer provided not be satisfying to you, please note that an out-of-court complaint resolution procedure exists with the Autorité des marches financiers.

Médiateur de l’AMF
Autorité des Marchés Financiers
17, place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02

An application form for mediation is also available on the website of the AMF (


Voting Rights Policy

PAI SAS believes that professional corporate governance standards are an essential part of its reputation and management experience. Thus, voting at assembly general meetings is a key component of the ongoing dialogue with companies in which PAI SAS invests on behalf of the managed funds and their investors and forms an integral part of PAI’s investment process. PAI SAS has set up a Voting Rights Policy, is committed to ensure consistent exercise of voting rights associated with shares held in the funds and exercises the voting rights with the sole view of preserving the interest of its investors.


Conflicts of Interest management and prevention

PAI SAS maintains and operates effective organizational and administrative arrangements with a view to taking all reasonable steps designed to identify, prevent, manage and monitor conflicts of interest in order to prevent them from adversely affecting the interests of the funds and/or the investors.

The company takes all reasonable steps to identify conflicts of interest that arise in the course of its activities between (i) the firm, including its managers, employees or any person directly or indirectly linked to PAI SAS by control and the funds (managed by PAI SAS or its affiliates) or their investors, (ii) one fund or its unitholders and another fund or its unitholders, (iii) a fund or its unitholders and another client of PAI SAS and (iv) two clients.

The general principles applied to prevent conflicts of interest are integrity, fairness, impartiality and the primacy of the investors’ interests. These principles occupy a prominent place among the company’s ethical rules.

All staff members are required to comply with ethical rules and receive adequate information, training and guidelines to this effect.

PAI SAS has set up the relevant procedure and policy to which all staff members must adhere, identifies and updates the main categories of situations where potential conflicts of interest may materialize and identifies, records, documents and handle actual conflicts of interest. Where organizational arrangements made by the company to identify, prevent, manage and monitor conflicts of interest are not sufficient to ensure, with reasonable confidence, that risks of damage to investors’ interests will be prevented, the company clearly discloses in a durable medium the general nature or sources of conflict to the concerned parties giving sufficient information with respect to the service/transaction in the context of which the conflict arises. The efficiency and adequacy of the overall conflicts of interest prevention and management framework is reviewed and updated at least annually.



PAI Partners (UK) Limited

3rd Floor
78 St. James’s Street
SW1A 1JBS W 1 A 1 J B
United Kingdom

Share capital: £3,000,000.00
RCS:  04015677
Tel: +442072974661

PAI Partners (UK) Limited is a financial advisory company approved and regulated by the FCA in the United Kingdom on 17th April 2023. PAI Partners (UK) Limited was approved as a financial advisory company under the number 984663.


Complaints Handling Procedure

PAI Partners (UK) Limited has established and maintains an effective procedure for the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints.

Should you have any issue with our services please do not hesitate to contact our Complaints Handling Officer, in English, through the addresses below at your convenience, with the reference “Complaint”:

Mail at:
PAI Partners (UK) Limited
Att. Complaints Handling Officer
3rd Floor
78 St. James’s Street
SW1A 1JBS W 1 A 1 J B
United Kingdom
Email at:

Please make sure that the following information are provided to ensure a prompt handling of your complaint:
– Your identity and contact details;
– Reason(s) of the complaint;
– Where relevant, copies of any documentation supporting your complaint.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in writing within (10) ten business days, unless the answer itself is provided to you within this period.

Should your complaint request further investigation, a response will be sent to you within (2) two months of the receipt. In case we would not be in capacity to answer you within this delay we will provide you details with regards to when the response will be provided.

Finally, should the answer provided not be satisfying to you, please note that an out-of-court complaint resolution procedure exists with the Financial Ombudsman Service:


Conflicts of Interest management and prevention

PAI Partners (UK) Limited maintains and operates effective organizational and administrative arrangements with a view to taking all reasonable steps designed to identify, prevent, manage and monitor conflicts of interest in order to prevent them from adversely affecting the interests of the funds and/or the investors.

The company takes all reasonable steps to identify conflicts of interest that arise in the course of its activities between (i) the firm, including its managers, employees or any person directly or indirectly linked to PAI Partners (UK) Limited by control and the funds (managed by PAI SAS or its affiliates) or their investors, (ii) one fund or its unitholders and another fund or its unitholders, (iii) a fund or its unitholders and another client of PAI Partners (UK) Limited, and (iv) two clients.

The general principles applied to prevent conflicts of interest are integrity, fairness, impartiality and the primacy of the investors’ interests. These principles occupy a prominent place among the company’s ethical rules.

All staff members are required to comply with ethical rules and receive adequate information, training and guidelines to this effect.

PAI Partners (UK) Limited has set up the relevant procedure and policy to which all staff members must adhere, identifies and updates the main categories of situations where potential conflicts of interest may materialize and identifies, records, documents and handle actual conflicts of interest. Where organizational arrangements made by the company to identify, prevent, manage and monitor conflicts of interest are not sufficient to ensure, with reasonable confidence, that risks of damage to investors’ interests will be prevented, the company clearly discloses in a durable medium the general nature or sources of conflict to the concerned parties giving sufficient information with respect to the service/transaction in the context of which the conflict arises. The efficiency and adequacy of the overall conflicts of interest prevention and management framework is reviewed and updated at least annually.



PAI Partners S.à r.l.

53 boulevard Royal – L-2449 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Share capital: €500.000
:  B136689
Tel: +352 26 26 97 71 78
Fax: +352 26 26 97 30 00

PAI Partners S.à r.l. is a fund management company approved and regulated by the CSSF in Luxembourg. PAI Partners S.à r.l.was approved as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager on June 25, 2014 under the number N. A00000625.


Complaints Handling Procedure

PAI Partners S.à r.l. has established and maintains an effective procedure for the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints.

Should you have any issue with our services please do not hesitate to contact our Complaints Handling Officer, in English or French, through the addresses below at your convenience, with the reference “Complaint”:

Mail at:
PAI Partners S.à r.l.
Att. Complaints Handling Officer
53 boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg
Email at:

Please make sure that the following information are provided to ensure a prompt handling of your complaint:
– Your identity and contact details;
– Reason(s) of the complaint;
– Where relevant, copies of any documentation supporting your complaint.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in writing within (10) ten business days, unless the answer itself is provided to you within this period.

Should your complaint request further investigation, a response will be sent to you within (1) one month of the receipt. In case we would not be in capacity to answer you within this delay we will provide you details with regards to when the response will be provided.

Finally, should the answer provided not be satisfying to you, please note that an out-of-court complaint resolution procedure exists with the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.


Voting Rights Policy

PAI Partners S.à r.l. believes that professional corporate governance standards are an essential part of its reputation and management experience. Thus, voting at assembly general meetings is a key component of the ongoing dialogue with companies in which PAI Partners S.à r.l. invests on behalf of the managed funds and their investors and forms an integral part of PAI’s investment process. PAI Partners S.à r.l. has set up a Voting Rights Policy, is committed to ensure consistent exercise of voting rights associated with shares held in the funds and exercises the voting rights with the sole view of preserving the interest of its investors.


Conflicts of Interest management and prevention

PAI Partners S.à r.l.  maintains and operates effective organizational and administrative arrangements with a view to taking all reasonable steps designed to identify, prevent, manage and monitor conflicts of interest in order to prevent them from adversely affecting the interests of the funds and/or the investors.

The company takes all reasonable steps to identify conflicts of interest that arise in the course of its activities between (i) the firm, including its managers, employees or any person directly or indirectly linked to PAI Partners S.à r.l.  by control and the funds (managed by PAI Partners S.à r.l.  or its affiliates) or their investors, (ii) one fund or its unitholders and another fund or its unitholders, (iii) a fund or its unitholders and another client of PAI Partners S.à r.l. , and (iv) two clients.

The general principles applied to prevent conflicts of interest are integrity, fairness, impartiality and the primacy of the investors’ interests. These principles occupy a prominent place among the company’s ethical rules.

All staff members are required to comply with ethical rules and receive adequate information, training and guidelines to this effect.

PAI Partners S.à r.l. has set up the relevant procedure and policy to which all staff members must adhere, identifies and updates the main categories of situations where potential conflicts of interest may materialize and identifies, records, documents and handle actual conflicts of interest. Where organizational arrangements made by the company to identify, prevent, manage and monitor conflicts of interest are not sufficient to ensure, with reasonable confidence, that risks of damage to investors’ interests will be prevented, the company clearly discloses in a durable medium the general nature or sources of conflict to the concerned parties giving sufficient information with respect to the service/transaction in the context of which the conflict arises. The efficiency and adequacy of the overall conflicts of interest prevention and management framework is reviewed and updated at least annually.


A PRIIP KID has been prepared by PAI Partners with the respect to PAI Partners VIII-1 SCSp and is made available here.